Hey Everybody!
I am so extremely sorry that I haven't updated of late. Mum's been running around with her head chopped off and hasn't had time to take photos of us. She is pretty hopeless at the moment.
Nothing really is new at the moment except it has been so hot here of late. This is the hottest March we've had in - well since they started making records and it doesn't seem to be easing. Although this week has been fairly cool - thankfully!
Little Buz has grown to be quite big now, and we're getting along famously. If you call him jumping and biting at my face getting along. I just try to ignore him to hope he goes away but he just keeps at it. Eventually I get over it and will roll on top of him.
Secretly I enjoy his attention.
Secretly I wanna kill him to, but that's just when he touches my toys.
I hope everybody has a fantastic easter and stays safe. Remember - chocolate isn't good for dogs. Or so they say.
Oh and mum wanted to say if you haven't already, check out her blog at Sunday's Best. She'd appreciate it. I'd appreciate some cooperation from her.
Till Next Time -