Well as you can see mum uploaded the photos for me. Yay!
It was a fairly warm day when mum put the christmas tree up, here I am helping her as best I can. Teddy was upset though so I had to do a little 'conforting' for him. After a good chew I got straight back to work and helped with the rest of the tree.
Here it is fully up. I find it strange that we have to build trees when nobody builds them outside... they kind of just keep getting bigger. This one smelt funny too. I've never smelt one like this before. As you can see mum did a very bad job of filling in holes on the tree, she said that she hated putting the tree up as her mum bought the biggest one she could find and that if she did a bad enough job she wouldn't have to keep putting it up.
So after the tree went up mum decorated it with very pretty decorations. She had a lot to choose from but only used as little as possible - saying somthing about christmas trees should not take three hours to decorate. She put pretty lights on it and then it was time for me to step in...
Posing is what I do best...

Even the cat got in on the action - I felt bad afterwards for thinking it but I really hoped that the tree would fall on him.

I did some more posing for mum to snap up loads of photos.

Then I smelt something yummy and my tongue just flopped right out. I was hot, hungry and thirsty and all mum wanted was that 'last photo'...

So I gave it to her. Woo woo.
Good news!

The little boy puppy is going to become my baby brother. I'm secretly a bit excited because everyone looks like they have so much fun playing bitey face with their siblings and friends and it'll be good to have someone to teach the ropes.
Mum got the news this morning and has already gone out and bought a few things for him. She gets too excited, this one.
We've loved all the names suggestions so far, my fave is of course Dbff... Mum still isn't convinced on the idea though.
She has a few that she has thought of as well, so far we have (including your suggestions):
Doppler (Effect) {It's a pretty cool thing, something to do with sound waves}
Olympus (mum uses this brand)
These are some new ones that she likes:
Dorito (mmm can I eat him?)
Rogan (Josh)
Coke (acola)
And she really likes Dante, it means lasting so that's kind of cool.
Anyway, keep the suggestions coming. The wakier and weirder the better as mum likes to name after objects - I'm lucky I didn't get Carrot.
-Till next time
You look so great by the tree! You should be a model.
I can't decide which is lovelier, you or the tree. Hrmm.. I'll go with the pretty furry one!
Codes those photos of you are wonderful - I love seeing your beautiful face!!
There are some fantastic names to chose from there for your new brother - when will he be coming home?
I think Hershey is a nice name! What about Computer? Paper? Recharger? Disket? Disc for short, hehehe... Weird names. I love those shots of you! You are very photogenic Codie!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm glad you liked the name I submitted, it does make sense!
Such lovely pictures of you!!! What kind of camera does your mom use, cuz those pictures are totally amazing!! You are such a pretty girl and your mom takes such great pictures!
Your pictures are awesome!
Four Pugz
Wonderful posing. You are very fluffy too. We need to start our own fluffy modeling agency.
Nice pictures...you got a long tongue!
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