Wooo wooo WoooOO! Mum has got some new photos of me finally! She said that she had some time (and her new camera) so we could go get some. Of course it's no where fancy (front yard) as she said I'm too smelly to take into her new car! Smelly? Me? Never!
Apparently I'm getting fat!?
My reaction to mum telling me how pudgy I've been getting! Meh, whatever mum.
Anyway, the beautiful River tagged me for a fun game. Now to me, tagging is new on the blog world as in real life I would have to run around and try and 'tag' you back. But alas, I think I get the idea. So here goes:
Random 8 Meme
The Rules of this tag:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
Random Fact #1: I am an absalute attention seeker. I don't care who, what, where or when. If I can get pats or cuddles or kisses I'm there. I used to go to the local craft markets with my mum a lot and she'd always complain on the way home how it took so much longer because everyone wanted to stop and pat me. I have my technique: Sit as tall and as pretty as I possibly can, then wag my tail (which is curved) and then put a paw up. This wins them every single time.
Random Fact #2:I love swimming - But first you have to get me into the water with a tennis ball. After that I'm in there for good. Mum always used to complain because we'd go to the beach for a nice stroll along the water's edge as she didn't bring any towels to dry me and I'd always just before leaving, wade out into the water on my own. Just to get the sensation of the cold water hitting my toes.
Random Fact #3: Mum had to get me a girly collar just so people would stop calling me a boy. I know a have a boy's name but I am a girl, really. Granted I act more like a boy, even marking my territory, but I am certainly a girl.
Random Fact#4: I don't like eating carrots. However I eat them. Only because one day I saw mum feeding them to Turps (RIP little rabbit friend) and I just couldn't miss out on it either. So now I eat carrots, pulling funny faces the whole way through it.
Random Fact#5: I hate my back legs and tail being brushed. I also hate the blow dryer. I'm getting better at it because mum has been getting the grooming lady out more often now to try and keep me in my cleanest possible state. I'm cool with it, but she really needs to leave my tail and legs alone!
Random Fact#6: I am the happiest girl you'll ever meet! I'm never sad, I sometimes look sad but it's really just a show. I love life. I love everything about it and most of all, I love being with everyone!
Random Fact#7: I go hiking and carry my own pack. Mum has a photo hanging around somewhere - she's too lazy to look for it. And she calls me lazy! Ha! Anyway, I love going hiking and carrying my own gear. I don't however like it when my mum's talkie thing [Mum: My mobile phone] starts vibrating in my pack. It always scares me and I always walk around in circles trying to figure out what it is. Mum finds this terribally funny and always stands around laughing before coming to my rescue.
Random Fact#8: I want to be a movie star! Mum wont let me though. She says that I just don't have the attention span for it and that I'd do more damage then what it's worth on the set. Even though I always promise to behave around all the expensive camera, mum just shakes her head and tells me differantly.
Now, to tag 8 differant dogs - I'll have to see how good I go as I'm only new and don't know many pups on here yet (I'm sorry if you've been tagged before).
In no paticular order:
Amber ; Lorenza ; Niko and Bentley ; Holly
Ok, I could only get four. I'm really sorry!
Anyway, Till next time -